tirsdag den 29. januar 2013

Late New Year Resolution ...

... must get better at writing on my blog! :-)

I am amazed by all the lovely entries I see on other blogs that I follow - the creativity, the fun, the consistancy of entries ... I would love to do that as well ... just a little bit!

So, here my "resolution" - try to make a minimum ONE entry a month - because I would love to share some of my creative moments with you too! That should be doable, don't you think ?

Well, it has been almost a year since last time I made a post on this blog - and so much has happened since ... we bought a lovely home - with a small garden - and we got married ... so 2012 was planning a wedding, suddenly (spur of the moment) bying a house, moving house, big wedding party just a month after moving house, and spend the last few months trying to settle down a bit.

2013 is rather welcome to be a bit more relaxing - and giving me the possibility to finish quite a few UFO's - but already now I feel that time is SPEEDING. Do you know that feeling ???!!! :-)

I got my own "Studio" now  - my very own lovely room in the house, where the sewing machine can be out ALL the time, and I can have fabrics all over the floor, if I like !!!! ... pure luxury !

So, what is lying on my floor right now:
Strawberry Fields
I just had to start using this fabric ... I had it lying around for a year ... now it was time. So here, a scrappy looking Strawberry Field quilt. The "recipe" I found on: Moda Bake Shop.
Well, this is a sewing maching project.
So, what do I work on while sitting on the coach in front of the TV?!:
Vignette Hexagon Quilt - handquilting it!
Yes, I am handquilting my amazing Vignette Hexagon Quilt. Here is how it looked, before I started quilting:

As you can imagine ... it takes time, but it is going to look really, really nice! :-)

I also got a few on-going X-stitch projects - but I havn't taken any photos of those ... yet! It might be the theme for my next blog-entry ?!

Phew ... first step taken ... my first entry of 2013 made! :-)

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